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FASS Postgraduate Research

¹û½´ÊÓƵ¹ÙÍø is home to a dynamic postgraduate community, use these pages to keep up to date with everything that's going on.

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  • The Research Training Programme (RTP) consists of modules and short courses on research methods, theories and philosophies of the social sciences and humanities, thesis writing and other generic skills relevant to PhD study. The RTP is designed to complement more specialised subject or discipline-based training modules offered by departments.

  • Postgraduate Community

    All departments, institutes and centres in the Faculty have a lively, postgraduate culture. Most departments run regular reading groups, seminar series and other events, at which either guest speakers or local staff and graduate students present papers. These are often on interdisciplinary themes and all postgraduate students are encouraged to attend. Postgraduate students are strongly encouraged by the Faculty and the individual departments to run their own events both of an academic and social nature.

