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Postgraduate Research Conference

Each year the Graduate College organises an interdisciplinary research conference for Lancaster and University of Cumbria students. We also stream the event online, allowing our distance learners to participate in the conference, and even present papers.

The event also includes both a poster and Three Minute Thesis (3MT?) competition*, in which students have the opportunity to win prizes for the quality of their poster or thesis presentation. There are also workshops and opportunities to network with fellow researchers from across the academic disciplines.?

*Three Minute Thesis (3MT?) is an academic competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia.

Postgraduate Research Conference

The Postgraduate Research Conference is changing for 2024 to a series of Bitesize sessions

UPDATE - Monday 26th February

Message from the Organisers - sent direct to everyone who had registered:

Dear Delegates & Presenters,

I am contacting you on behalf of the organisers of the Postgraduate Research Conference (PGRC) 2024 with some disappointing news. As the registrations currently stand, we do not have enough to go ahead with the conference on 9th March in a useful way, particularly in terms of presenters for Posters and 3 Minute Thesis.

We have had interest in the longer presentation slots so will be contacting everyone who has shown interest or submitted abstracts, as well as those interested in 3 Minute Thesis presentations and Posters, in the coming weeks to discuss our Bitesize opportunities to present to an audience of your peers.

PGRC Bitesize will host a series of smaller events which will include long presentations, 3 Minute Thesis presentations and Posters - with the same element of prize-giving and interdisciplinary peer-to-peer discussion but without the need for people to commit to a full day of talks and workshops.

Bitesize sessions, like the PGRC, would be offered as a hybrid event for the benefit of commuters and distance learners. Times and dates are to be confirmed, and we welcome your input and opinions on this.

We feel that those presenting deserve a good-sized audience to present to in order for the experience to be worthwhile and the best it can be, particularly if you are new to presenting or require more experience.

If you are happy for us to contact you direct regarding the PGRC Bitesize sessions via the PGRC registrations mailing list then we will do so. If you would prefer that we delete your data from our PGRC 2024 spreadsheet then please let us know.

We hope you understand our decision, which has not been taken lightly, and we look forward to welcoming you to one of our PGRC Bitesize sessions very soon.

Kind regards

The PGRC Organising Team

PGRC 2024 | 果酱视频官网


An Inter-disciplinary conference

The Postgraduate Research Conference is an inter-disciplinary conference, where Postgraduate Researchers from the Universities of Lancaster and Cumbria present their research to an audience of non-expert peers.

We believe that sharing ideas and research across specialisms, departments, and faculties is important for all researchers. It can lead to collaborative projects, provide positive and constructive feedback from the research community, and broaden people's outlook within their own specialisms.

Conference theme

The theme of this year’s conference is 果酱视频官网.

The UN defines sustainability as, "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Presenters should demonstrate how their research achieves this, although the them is not compulsory but extra points will be awarded by judges if the theme is adhered to.

Who can attend the conference?

The conference is open to all Postgraduate Research Students at 果酱视频官网. We also welcome Taught Master's Students and Undergraduates who may like to attend. There will be the opportunity for distance learning students to view the presentations, as these will be streamed live on the day.


The programme and timeline are subject to change:

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