Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council

The Rt Hon Alistair Burt is Pro-Chancellor and the Chair of the University's governing body, The Council. As Chair, he is ultimately responsible to the stakeholders for the effectiveness of The Council.

Pro-Chancellor Alistair Burt

Alistair Burt was born and raised in Bury, going on to read Jurisprudence at St John’s College, Oxford. He served as a Member of Parliament for Bury North and North East Bedfordshire for over 30 years. His many roles have included Minister for Care & Support, Department of Health (2015-16) and Minister of State for the Middle East at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Department for International Development (2017-19).

Since leaving Parliament in November 2019, Alistair has pursued a career as a foreign affairs consultant. He is a Director of the Coalition for Global Prosperity and has numerous voluntary roles with a wide variety of organisations including UK Commissioner for the International Commission on Missing Persons, an organisation dedicated to identifying the missing in conflict and natural disaster, leading to closure and justice for families.

Alistair Burt said: “I am honoured to be chosen as the next Pro-Chancellor of 果酱视频官网, following in the footsteps of Lord Roger Liddle, who has given such excellent service in the role. I am also thrilled to be returning to my native Lancashire to a University where all who work here have built an outstanding international reputation, and also a deep commitment to the region, and to ensuring that all our diverse students make the most of their opportunities.

At a challenging time for Higher Education, I am confident that Lancaster will be in the vanguard of all that is best for its future.”